Ethan's baby blessing was on March 29th. A wonderful blessing for our sweet little man. He racked out after we got back; recieving so many blessing can really do you in. So he and his cousin Easton (7 weeks younger) took naps while the rest of us ate.

At this point he was so done with pictures. We still love him though.
Ethan has made a new friend... It's his monk-a-monk. He loved giving it hugs and slobbering all over him.
For the most part he is a very happy guy and loves to wiggle and play.
And as you may have noticed, he sits in the crack of the couch a lot. However, he's starting to not sit still anymore so the floor will be his new home soon.
We went down to SLC to a Bee's baseball game. This is a pic of Joel and Ethan on trax. Ethan was wide-eyed and watched everything as we passed. What an observant little man he is.
I was putting some of Ethan old thing away, stuff he's grown out of way too fast, and thought maybe if we pack him away he'll stop growing. But with our luck he'd out grow the tote and we'd have to upgrade to a bigger one in 3 months.